Scene75 Goes Purple

The Longest Day at Scene75

On Thursday, June 21st, Scene75 goes purple with the Alzheimer’s association. June 21st is the longest day of the year and on that day Scene75 and ALZ encourage people to take advantage and spend the day doing what they love!

How you can get involved at Scene75?

All week, Scene75 is doing different things to help spread the word about Alzheimer’s and raise money for the cause. If you donate more than $10 to our team page below, come on in anytime during the week of the Longest Day, June 20th-June 24th, and get any free attraction on us!

Additionally, on the Longest Day, June 21st, we’ll be celebrating what we love, Laser Tag. For any laser tag mission played on the longest day, we will donate $1 back from all of our locations to support the Alzheimer’s Association and the work that they’re doing.

Scene75 Cares

Scene75’s partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association is all part of our Scene75 Cares initiative to be more than just an entertainment center, but to be a force of good in our communities. If you’d like to learn more you can head to our Scene75 Cares page or if you have your own idea for how Scene75 can get involved in the community, please email Alex at